Roberta Cooper Ramo Receives ABA’s Highest Honor

On August 1, 2015, Roberta Cooper Ramo, shareholder at Modrall Sperling, was awarded the ABA Medal at the General Assembly of the American Bar Association’s Annual Meeting in Chicago.  Roberta was the first woman elected ABA president, and also the first woman elected president of the America Law Institute, and the only person to have led both organizations.  ABA President William C. Hubbard said of Roberta, she is “truly a Renaissance woman,” who has left her mark on “not only the ABA, but the entire legal profession and indeed our nation and our world” during the award presentation.  “Throughout her career, she has distinguished herself on every issue on which she focused:  domestic violence, judicial independence, gender equity, public understanding of the law, and the advancement of fair and equitable legal systems across the globe, and countless others.”

Please click here to read more about the award presentation and Roberta’s acceptance speech.