Modrall Sperling Law Firm

“Modrall Sperling is a hallmark firm for reliable, efficient Indian Law advice. With a team of established veterans and rising stars, Modrall is the go-to-firm in New Mexico (and beyond) for Indian Law matters. It would be a mistake not to have them on your side.”1

Due to the sometimes competing jurisdictional, regulatory and tax implications of federal statutes, public land laws, tribal laws and government regulations, effectively doing business in Indian country presents unique challenges. Even operations which are not on Indian lands may require consideration of the interests and concerns of Indian tribes and other Native American groups.

Structuring transactions, gaining permits, negotiating effectively, and crafting agreements that maximize predictability and enforceability can be elusive in these transactions.

Modrall Sperling’s Native American law practice is nationally recognized by Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business. The firm engages lawyers with Indian law experience and strength in multiple practice areas to address complex challenges representing business interests in Indian country. That seasoned depth and strong relationships developed with Indian country communities has created an environment for sound and efficient client representation.

We invite you to learn more about this nationwide practice by clicking on the links below:

  1. 1. This comment appears on the U. S. News & Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms” website at


Modrall Sperling recognized by Chambers and Partners

Posted on June 6, 2024 By


Recent Biden Administration Orders Affecting the Energy Industry

February 2, 2021
By Earl E. DeBrine, Jr. and Stan N. Harris

Solenex, LLC v. Bernhardt, Secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior: Cancellation of 1982 Oil and Gas Lease Upheld – Significant Cultural and Religious Lands of the Badger-Two Medicine Area in Montana

June 26, 2020
By Walter E. Stern

Native American Trust Asset Reform Act Becomes Law: New Tribal Options, Questions Unanswered

September 6, 2016
By Deana M. Bennett

Equally Divided United States Supreme Court Affirms Tribal Jurisdiction over Tort Claims Against Nonmembers

August 17, 2016
By Lynn H. Slade

Dependent Indian Communities: Existential Determination Impacts State and Federal (and Tribal?) Jurisdiction

October 5, 2015
By Deana M. Bennett and Walter E. Stern

Pueblo of Jemez v. United States: Tenth Circuit Resurrects Land Claim – Unique Circumstance or Cloudy Title on the Horizon?

August 27, 2015
By Deana M. Bennett and Walter E. Stern

Enforceability of Arbitration Provisions in Agreements with Tribes or Tribal Entities

July 15, 2015
By Deana M. Bennett and Lynn H. Slade

Indian Reserved Water Rights: Groundwater Included

June 19, 2015
By Maria O’Brien and Sarah M. Stevenson

Balancing Opposing Cultural and Religious Beliefs on a Shared Reservation: Agency consideration of “Native American culture” not enough to demonstrate narrowly tailored compelling interest

May 28, 2015
By Lynn H. Slade and Sarah M. Stevenson

Tribal Employment Preference Laws

July 25, 2014
By Brian K. Nichols

Indigenous Peoples’ Rights to Sacred Sites and Traditional Cultural Properties and the Role of Consultation and Free, Prior and Informed Consent

32 J. Energy & Nat. Resources L.,
No. 3, 297, July 22, 2014
By Stuart R. Butzier and Sarah M. Stevenson

Tribal Employment Laws: Legal and Cultural Considerations

March 28, 2013
By Brian K. Nichols

Sued in Tribal Court?

May 1, 2012
By Walter E. Stern

Cultural Resources Management: Tribal Rights, Roles, Consultation, and Other Interests (A Developer’s Perspective)

April 26, 2012
By Walter E. Stern

Tribal-Industry Partners in Resource Development

July 8, 2011
By Lynn H. Slade

Deciphering Title to ‘Native American’ Land: Turf Battle on a Checkerboard?

June 13, 2011
By Lynn H. Slade

Tribal Employment Preferences and Employee Protection Laws

April 22, 2011
By Brian K. Nichols