Modrall Sperling Named a Top New Mexico Firm

U.S. News Best Lawyers® named Modrall Sperling a metropolitan top firm in 40 areas of law in Albuquerque and Santa Fe, and recognized the firm as a top firm in the area of Native American Law, nationally.
Best Law Firms rankings are based on a rigorous evaluation process that includes collecting client evaluations, attorney evaluations, peer reviews from ranked attorneys, and a data analysis completed by U.S. News.
Of the 40 areas of law where Modrall Sperling ranked as a top firm, 30 areas were given a Tier 1 ranking, seven practice areas were given a Tier 2 ranking, and two practice areas were given a Tier 3 ranking. To receive a Tier 1 ranking, a firm is considered to be the best in the city or nation in a given practice area. The firm received recognition in the following areas of law:
National Recognition
Native American Law
Metropolitan Recognition
Administrative / Regulatory Law
Antitrust Law
Banking and Finance Law
Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
Commercial Litigation
Construction Law
Corporate Law
Education Law
Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law
Employment Law – Individuals
Employment Law – Management
Energy Law
Environmental Law
Government Relations Practice
Health Care Law
Insurance Law
Litigation – Bankruptcy
Litigation – Construction
Litigation – Environmental
Litigation – Labor & Employment
Litigation – Tax
Non-Profit/Charities Law
Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions – Defendants
Mergers & Acquisitions Law
Mining Law
Municipal Law
Native American Law
Natural Resources Law
Oil & Gas Law
Product Liability Litigation – Defendants
Public Finance Law
Railroad Law
Real Estate Law
Tax Law
Trusts & Estates Law
Water Law
POSTED IN: News, Recognition