Family Friendly New Mexico Recognizes Modrall Sperling

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Modrall Sperling won a Gold Award for its workplace policies from Family Friendly New Mexico (FFNM) for the second year in a row. The law firm is recognized for having family friendly policies that help employees be successful at work and at home.

Gold Award recipients have family-friendly policies in each of FFNM’s four categories: Paid Leave, Health Support, Work Schedules, and Economic Support.

“Modrall Sperling values our employees, and our leadership team works hard to develop and implement policies that make it easier to balance family and work obligations,” says Janet Wulf, the firm’s Executive Director. “Our benefits package includes paid time off with no restrictions on usage, monthly 2-hour leave, full health and dental insurance, and flexible schedules.”

FFNM is a nonprofit initiative that recognizes and supports businesses that adopt and implement family friendly policies for their employees.


POSTED IN: News, Recognition