Modrall Sperling Welcomes Two Shareholders to Executive Committee

Modrall Sperling is pleased to welcome Tomas Garcia and Marjorie Rogers as newly elected members of the firm’s Executive Committee. The Executive Committee includes the firm’s Executive Director and seven Shareholders, charged with overseeing and directing the firm’s activities and goals.
Tomas Garcia’s practice includes a variety of commercial, healthcare, torts/personal injury, and transportation litigation, as well as lobbying. Tomas is a board member of the New Mexico Defense Lawyers Association. He is also an elected commissioner on the State Bar of New Mexico Board of Bar Commissioners, and he is a former chair of the State Bar of New Mexico Young Lawyers Division. Tomas serves on the New Mexico Supreme Court’s Rules of Evidence Committee, and previously served on the Court’s Uniform Jury Instructions-Civil Committee and the Rules of Civil Procedure Committee. He is a member of the American Bar Association Section of Litigation and the International Association of Defense Counsel. Outside of his law practice, Tomas serves as chair of the board for Albuquerque Collegiate Charter School, an elementary school he helped establish as a founding board member.
Marjorie Rogers represents businesses, tax-exempt organizations and individuals in the areas of federal taxation, estate planning and administration, including probate litigation, employee benefits and ERISA. She has more than forty years’ experience advising clients on their complex tax issues, wills, trusts, family succession plans, retirement plans, and business entity planning. In addition to her practice, Marjorie is active in community and professional non-profit organizations. For more than twenty years she has been involved with and is a Past Chair of the Board of Directors of WESST, a statewide small business incubator that helps low-income women and minorities achieve financial self-sufficiency through sustained self-employment. Marjorie is a Fellow in the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC) and is a past State Chair for New Mexico and current member of the Charitable Organizations, Employee Benefits, and Family Law Task Force Committees. Marjorie serves as Head of Modrall Sperling’s Transactions Department.