Stuart Butzier Named Secretary of Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation

Stuart Butzier, a shareholder with Modrall Sperling, has been tapped as Secretary of the globally recognized Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation (RMMLF) by the Trustees of the Foundation.

As a long-time active member and former Trustee and Board Member, Butzier has participated on numerous committees and presented legal papers at domestic and international programs of the Foundation.

Officed in Santa Fe, Butzier’s law practice predominantly covers the western United States, where he focuses on the areas of mineral exploration and mining, energy infrastructure, public lands, community development and cultural and historic rights of indigenous peoples.

“I look forward to the opportunity to help direct the efforts of this global learning community,” he said. “Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation is known worldwide for the expertise, objectivity and practicality its members bring to the table.”

Now in its 62nd year, RMMLF is a collaborative educational non-profit organization dedicated to the scholarly and practical study of the law and regulations relating to mining, oil and gas, water, public lands, energy, environmental protection, and other related areas.