Michelle Hernandez Appointed to UNM Medical Group, Inc. Board

Michelle Hernandez, Modrall Sperling shareholder and member of the firm’s healthcare practice group, has been appointed to the board of the UNM Medical Group, Inc. The UNM Medical Group, Inc. is the faculty practice plan of the UNM School of Medicine, representing over 1,100 clinicians in 152 specialties who practice within the UNM Health System. It was formed as a New Mexico nonprofit and University Research Park and Economic Development Act Corporation by the UNM Board of Regents in 2007. In addition to providing revenue cycle support for the clinical departments, the UNM Medical Group operates a number of specialized clinics across 10 different clinical programs, and it provides several critical support services to the UNM Health System. Board members are nominated by the Dean of the School of Medicine and appointed by the UNM Board of Regents.