Modrall Sperling Law Firm

Month: December 2018

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Bringing Joy to Hospitalized Kids During the Holidays

When the members of Q-Lead, an Albuquerque business networking organization, began preparing to put up holiday decorations for the pediatric patients at Carrie Tingley Hospital, they found the…

Stuart Butzier Selected NREEL Lawyer of the Year

Stuart Butzier, head of Modrall Sperling’s Natural Resources Department and managing director of the Santa Fe office, has been named by the Natural Resources, Energy and Environmental Law…

State Bar of New Mexico Indian Law Section’s Annual Program

Stan Harris, shareholder, spoke at the State Bar of New Mexico Indian Law Section’s annual program, “A Practical Approach to Indian Law: Legal Writing, 2018 Update, and the Ethics of Practicing Indian Law,” on December 10, 2018. Stan was one of two…