Modrall Sperling Law Firm

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Off-Highway Motor Vehicles Are Not Subject to the Mandatory Financial Responsibility Act

On October 25, 2022, the New Mexico Court of Appeals held in Castillo v. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company, 2022-NMCA-____ (No. A-1-CA-39107, filed Oct. 25, 2022) that a Polaris Ranger RZR, an all-terrain vehicle, was an off-highway motor vehicle that was…

Tips for Conducting Employee Investigations

Investigating your employee for inappropriate conduct can be a sensitive and difficult task. An employer’s decisions regarding how to conduct the investigation can have significant impact in subsequent litigation related to the investigation. Here are some tips for how New Mexico employers can…

Construction Law in New Mexico

This is a summary guide to some aspects of construction law in New Mexico that are important for out-of-state individuals or corporations to keep in mind when doing…

Indemnification Clauses after Safeway

On February 18, 2016, the New Mexico Supreme Court held in Safeway Inc. v. Rooter 2000 Plumbing & Drain SSS, 2016-NMSC-___ (No. 33,969, Feb. 18, 2016) that indemnification agreements in construction contracts are void and unenforceable under the state’s anti-indemnity statute to the…